Lyric discussion by mudzereli 

Thanks, that clears up a lot of the smoke the right-wingers have been blowing since the lyrics got posted. For all those people who kept claiming that they heard this song's a rant against environmentalists...

"I'm a supporter of stopping global warming and saving the environment," Loeffler told Noisecreep. "The only thing is, I took a little bit of a different spin on it. It's a fictional idea, a crazy one. What if we were to save some of the Earth? The imagery is just saving everything into these jars down in the basement. It's very random. It's kind of absurd. If you can picture a cellar and a shelf full of jars and each jar has something a little different in it from the Earth. It's basically just saying, 'Wake up,' but hopefully in a more creative way than just blatantly coming out and saying, 'Stop global warming.'"

The vast majority of actors and artists are far left, and those that aren't would never make a song about it. So there's no way I would think they were making fun of environmentalists. They are almost required to believe it's true. Even after the recent events that brought to light the scientists making up the global warming hoax, believers still believe, and haters still hate. It will be 50 years by the time global warming is proven or disproven, so everyone will have made their money and died by then.

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