Lyric discussion by nicksatimpnutchad 

Yea this song is definitely about not worrying about the future and just living your life to the fullest one day at a time. You never know when something unexpected will occur. So by not worrying and stressing about the future you can focus your attention on today, not tomorrow, not 2 months or 2 years down the road, but today and how you can better yourself each and every day. Who knows where you will be in any of those instances, no one knows, so there is no point in worrying about them. My ex broke up with me bc she is worrying/freaking out about her future instead of being where she is suppose to be and that's where she already is.

The song could also relate to the everything happens for a reason saying. "Where ever you are right now, it's where you're supposed to be." God has a plan and that's why you are where you are right now. So just live your life and everything will work out the way you want if you just try your best each day at a time.

No need to spend time in your day worrying, it will only set you back. If so, you're going to need to "Steal some happy hours" back!

Peace and 311 Everyone

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