Lyric discussion by Romatron 

Here we go. In sections. This is real easy.

The custom concern for the people Build up the monuments and steeples to wear out our eyes

-----Above verse is about social pressure to conform to society. -----Ever felt like society is sometimes pushing you places you dont wish to go ;) -----"Wear out your eyes" brain washed by commercial society

I get up just about noon My head sends a message for me to reach for my shoes and then walk Got to go to work, got to go to work, got to have a job

-----This verse is admitting the affect of the social conforming message -----Writer (I assume brock) is aware of this effect and is morbidly uncomfortable with it.

Goes through the parking lot fields Didn't see no signs that they will yield and then thought This'll never end, this'll never end, this'll never stop

-----"Parking lot fields" is the desperate monotony of this social setup. -----industral and not very creative.

Message read on the bathroom wall Said, "I don't feel at all like I fall" And we're losing all touch, losing all touch, building a desert

-----The last verse is a warning that the sprawling uninspired commercial society -----is blocking creativity and not letting us grow. Or making it worthwhile to be alive. Hmmm.

-----On a happier note. Brock lives in an ideal world where he does not need to do -----that because he can write music and get paid for it. -----i envy him. A working class hero is something to be.

NB: Sometimes being a zombee is easier than actually thinking about it all too much. And too much acid does not help with the "Not thinking" part ::--))...

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