Lyric discussion by GangaDevi 

People mostly stick to the meaning of the Russian part and go deep in search for Pasternak bioghaphy details, historical allusions and so. These researches are nice. But I prefer to concentrate on the form itself. Look. The English part is about being strong: "I can't give up, I have no right to surrender, because after me everything will get ruined and those who depend on me will suffer". Then another side breaks through - we can see emotions of protaginist expressed in Russian (which mainly noone understands). This part is full of pain, hopelessness and all-pervading sorrow. But people can't understand this. This is the way to show something hidden from others. Then again comes a burst of self persuadng mantras - I! Must! Go! On! So I think this switching from English to Russian and back is the way to compare things on facade (English) and in the backyard (Russian) and the whole song is about torments of a strong personality.

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