Lyric discussion by HeyMomIFoundADime 

Ok, i feel really strongly about this song, so although my interpretation below LOOKS long, please bear with me:

To me, this song is comparing the deceitful scheming of certain breeds of politicians to the slutty behaviours of prostitutes/strippers/porn stars who want to be famous.

"A man inside a room is shaking hands with other men This is how it happens Our carefully laid plans/Our world under command"

-This sounds like a leader or president-type figure supposedly negotiating or making agreements with those of other nations, but having a darker plan of his own in mind.

"Shake it, shake it baby Shake your ass out in that street You're gonna make us scream someday You're gonna make it big"

-Like a hooker or crack whore, the politician is putting on a sleazy show to satisfy the people, when behind it all, he is greedy and ruthless with nasty intentions. "make us scream" could mean scream in excitement the way an audience does during a performance, or scream in fear as a nation plummets towards disaster.

"You love so deep, so tender Your people and your land You love 'em 'til they can't recall Who they are again"

-This describes (with sarcasm) the phoniness of the politician's persona... he portrays himself as caring and loyal to his country and people, but he's actually fooling them all and marching them towards sure doom.

"Work it, work it baby Work your way 'round that room You're gonna make it big one day You're gonna make a boom"

-Similar to the "shake it" verse, but the emphasis on the "boom" really caught my attention. This might be a little over-analytical, but it made me think of a nuclear bomb... possibly a part of the politician's evil plot?

"Shake what your mama gave you You know that it won't last You're gonna taste the ground real soon You're gonna taste the grass"

-The first line in this verse is obviously very dingy pop culture/hollywood/hip-hop, like the environment in which a young wreck of a woman would be trying to make it big as a cheap actress, or whatever... "it won't last" could mean the youth, good looks, and appeal of the skanky woman will diminish as she ages or gets swallowed up in too many drugs. it could also mean that the politician's plan probably isn't as sturdy or reliable as he predicted. he'll soon be found out and chastised for the havoc he's causing.

i usually try not to over-analyze or rip apart a song to learn all its secrets... because Regina herself always says, songs are like a bowl of apples in a painting. you may not know exactly why it makes you feel a certain way, but you like that bowl of apples and you shouldn't tarnish that inexplicable enjoyment by persistently trying to figure out WHAT the apples mean, or WHY they're red... This song, though, just put a really clear picture in my head as soon as I heard it and I've been eager to write my thoughts about it down somewhere. I'm totally open to other interpretations and I'm curious to hear if anyone thinks of this song in a similar way?

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