Lyric discussion by HideNothing 

^ That right there is the problem I have with a situation like this. Even if he didn't, the man IS capable of the act. You know why? Everyone is capable of cheating. No one is exempt. It's easy to stand outside and throw rocks at glass houses, but to make comments like this one from earlier bothers me:

"I can't believe it."

Yes you can. It's one thing to state an opinion and say you DON'T believe it, but to say you CAN'T? I'm not trying to sound like some cynical adult, but there are far too many young people who put strenuous amounts of faith in rock stars/celebrities. Yes, the guy is a christian and believes in God. Yes, he is a good person I'm sure. I've seen him at concerts and I've read interviews. He seems like a genuinely sweet person, which even his ex-fiance Shannon still states amidst everything that has come to pass. None of that, however, has anything to do with the ability for a very nice person to cheat. Mistakes happen. People mess up. Yes, even Matt Thiessen, the man you swear cares too much and OMG could never do that, is capable of messing up very badly. He's a human being just like you or me. Rock stars are not exempt and them having any sort of religion does not make an ounce of difference either. You can care very much and still make the biggest mistake you never thought you'd make. I know from personal experience. Again, I'm not saying you have to agree with me as this is my opinion, but I still think people should seriously consider the facts rather than blindly refusing to believe anything negative about your favorite singer. You should never base assumptions off of the ideology that you "can't" believe things, I will still listen to Relient K's music as I enjoy it quite a bit and I like Matt's writing. That doesn't mean I must refuse to believe Matt is capable of making a very human mistake. You love people where they're at and hope and pray that they can make it through whatever hardships they're experiencing. You love on them by being there for them. I'm just saying you don't have to put on a blindfold and pretend like one person is better than another. If you said "I can't believe Matt would do that, he cares too much," but then your brother or sister committed the very act being argued here, would you believe Matt is a better person than your brother or sister? No, because all of those people are humans and are, therefore, not immune to screwing up.

I don't you think you should be telling them what they can/can't believe. That's up to them, yo.

Plus, it's really more of an expression, so go ahead and calm down.

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