Lyric discussion by / 

DISCLAIMER: I saw this comment on a Britney fansite, and I thought it was a pretty good opinion. Credit goes to the girl who wrote it (Kelly) for having an open mind.

"I posted this on the chat box earlier, but incase anyone feels a little uncomfortable with the song, try thinking of it like this: "Peter, Paul, and Mary" can be taken in two contexts - The biblical one, and the "common names" one.

We'll go with the religious relation, then. (The actual writer(s) of the song probably wrote it in for shock effect, though.)

Anyway, since "Peter, Paul, and Mary" were said to be followers of Jesus, the song might be a subtle reference that compares Britney to Jesus. (LOL, no, Britney is not a deity! XD)

I'm talking about Britney's influence over millions of people. The three people in question might be a reference to fans in general (here's where the "common names" context comes in, since anybody can be her fan), where their loyalty to someone they idolize makes them open or easily persuaded to try something because of how significant they think their idol is.

In that way, it can be said that because she's suggesting a threesome, her fans (or whoever) might agree to it, because Britney asks/tells them to.

For the lazy: Maybe it's Britney's influence over her fans being compared (quite dramatically) to Jesus' influence over these three particular people in that one line."

peter paul and mary was also a band who knows?

I never knew that. Thanks for the info.

Anyway, I re-posted this comment 'cause I thought it would be somewhat of an explanation for people who took the "Peter, Paul and Mary" line for being a Biblical reference.

My personal opinion? It might be just common names, or if anything, maybe a reference to that band. Or something along those lines.

peter paul and mary are a band. and she refering to the alleged affair between them

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