Lyric discussion by backy 

much like how I end up interpreting most of their songs, I believe this one is primarily composed of sexual imagery and honest and personal experiences of a primarily physical relationship.

sexual aspects:

"Neck, chest, waist to floor - Easy to take" "Keep it in, keep us safe" "Can't adjust, Can't relearn - Got to keep what I have"

the play on dominance- who is dominant in the relationship?

"I can't let it out" vs. "I still let you in"

for me, the strongest image is the one of her being so unhappy and suffocated that she claims to have been... "underwater, breathing out and in"

I find their songs very beautifully composed and imagine it would be very difficult to sing about such dark bedroom memories without being incredibly poetic. the lyrics are sincere and that is what makes them memorable.

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