Lyric discussion by gjack2211 

Can’t get over it. Not in a good way. Watching the DVD made me like this song for a few minutes...but just a few. If anyone could pull off a song about a supermarket, it would be The Boss...BUT it is still very difficult. Lyrics that should never be included in a song:

A dream awaits in aisle number two…

As she bags the groceries her eyes so bored …

Each night I take my groceries and I drift away…

Take my place in the check-out line …

Good for some laughs, but he can’t expect us to take this song seriously (and I think he does, hah) How can you with a song that ends with the beep of a supermarket scanner? Sorry Bruce, but you aren’t 16 years old anymore longing for that cute cashier (or at least i hope not). This is my favorite song about a food store ever, but still, not good.

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