Lyric discussion by irouleau 

I disagree with the one-armed man punching at nothing being the same as the one legged dog. The one-legged dog gives out the image of being abandoned and dirty and begging for scrapes of food, whereas the one armed-man leaved the image of a fighter. the fact that he's fighting as the breeze makes it an empty fight.

*"I come and stand at every door": gives out the image of universality and begging. He's the same as everyone, and everyone sees him. But the idea of "leaving with less than he came before" still means what he's losing a little everyday. Dignity maybe?

This is definitely sad. Will be back for more later. Still remember that the one-trick pony in the field was "so happy and free".

i think the scarecrow is representing the addage "scarecrow in the mind". Scarecrow in the mind means that you're afraid of something that doesn't exist, but the scarecrow is made out of dust-so he's saying he beat his own fears.

the part about leaving with less than he came could mean that he is leaving behind comfort. people who are domesticised grow comfortable.

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