Lyric discussion by EmilyApple 

I just wanted to respond to some of the comments so far to clear up any confusion.

The story of the album is about a man who works at a hospital, falls in love with a bone cancer patient, marries her, and then watches her die. This song is about her haunting his memories. The song is about a real, physical death, but I suppose the listener can choose to use that as a metaphor for the emotional loss of a breakup if he or she wants to. The melody is the same as "Bear," which I think adds to the haunting theme.

I think when someone dies, people often tend to forget the negative and romanticize the positive. What I love about this song is we get to see just how depressed and abusive the deceased was when she was alive.

A flawless analysis, in my opinion. I spent a lot of time thinking about this album. This song in particular keeps me up at night, partially due to the ease with which the melody slides between the layers of one's skin when one is trying desperately to fall asleep.

Regardless. It is extremely important to not forget anything about the departed. Forgetting will bind you to them with a fastness that remembering cannot match.

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