Lyric discussion by Iva Thort 

Robbie has found God and is a believer. He does however have some questions, especially relating to the use of his/our bodies. This song is a response to someone who has told him that our bodies sole purpose is to transport our spirit/soul on this journey of life until we get to heaven. He delves into what he believes and other uses of our bodies throughout the song, especially the chorus. I think he is also saying that we are giving our bodies too much priority over looking after our minds. Eg, too much time at the gym and sun baking to look perfect to try and attract your next lay.

Another thought. Lyrics from my favourite band TOOL- Over thinking, over analyzing, seperate the body from the mind.

I understand what you are saying about the lyrics and the relation to our bodies and our minds and how we are giving our bodies too much priority but what I tend to wonder about this song is the line 'Jesus didn't die for you'. If he has found God and is a believer then why does he say this line. Is he meaning that Jesus didn't die for you, he died for our minds and/our bodies or perhaps he died for God?


Sean, TWG.

I understand what you are saying about the lyrics and the relation to our bodies and our minds and how we are giving our bodies too much priority but what I tend to wonder about this song is the line 'Jesus didn't die for you'. If he has found God and is a believer then why does he say this line. Is he meaning that Jesus didn't die for you, he died for our minds and/our bodies or perhaps he died for God?


Sean, TWG.

I would have to disagree. I think the song about is about superficiality: "All we ever wanted / Is to look good naked" However, I am still trying to figure out the lines about Jesus and the Bodhi Tree. The Bodhi tree is the tree where Buddha sat and experienced Nirvana. So this song isn't solely about Robbie finding God, there is an allusion to another religion in it. Not to mention, he goes back and forth between Jesus dying and not dying for you.

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