Lyric discussion by truthinwords 

The song seems to be, at least somewhat, a critique on politicians and the way they treat voters, specifically minorities and lower income voters. The first verse mentions searching for the tramp (beggar, vagrant) in the gravel pit, ending with "Until the tramp finds Christ / Injustice is my middle name." This seems like a commentary on self righteous, religious politicians, those that claim to follow Christ but do nothing to aid the downtrodden (or those who do not share their beliefs) through their policies once in office.

The second verse makes a similar point with the line "your English is good" followed by "In this neighborhood / We ain't driving you home." In this case, politicians are looking to court the minority vote (those who may not be native English speakers), but they would never set foot into any of the poorer neighborhoods where those voters live. The overall point being that some politicians will say anything to win support from the desired demographic, but that they don't truly care about the well being of those they are elected to serve.

The lines "And my rook will check / Across this black and white chess board" further emphasize the idea of political strategizing in a game of race. Notice that he specifically mentions that the chess board is black and white.

My 2 cents.

I had to look up the lyrics to this song -- I thought the opening verse was: "Oh, you MUST go vote..." (I'm thinking to myself, "Damn, right. Because if you dont' go vote, you can't grouse later on!") Well, that's how I ended up at this Web site; I wanted to know the lyrics to this song. I totally thought Tokyo Police Club wrote and sang a song about the hyperbole, rehtoric, and bullsnark election we had this last time around -- you KNOW the one -- anyway, you can't tell me...

i really like your interpretation! i'm glad someone was able to formulate a coherent thought on this song cuz it's pretty difficult


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