Lyric discussion by scarletmagnolia 

I can not believe more people have not commented on this song. To me it is incredibly beautiful and meaningful. My favorite version is from the "I'm Not There" soundtrack.

It sounds to me like he has an intense love for a woman. He realizes how much she loves him, too. I am guessing it is a forbidden love. She has incredible and unbearable pain over it and "cries both day and night" and he knows because he was "there". To me he is saying, when you love someone this intensely, you feel you are together even though you are physically apart.

Since it is forbidden love, they are not able to have open and honest communication. Therefore they are not at ease to convey their anger or passion or intense feelings of love. This is awful because if they were able to speak to each other, face to face and eye to eye, they could see the love or hurt or anger or betrayal in each other's eyes and face, Only then could they get past these feelings and begin to truly love each other in a positive way. Since they are not able to do that, the communication becomes strained and difficult and feelings get blown out of proportion in a negative way. To me, even though this is all so awful, it doesn't discount the feelings of love.

I think he is saying that even though he is "not there" physically- with her, where he would like to be- that he IS with her in spirit and a part of him always will be.

Recently I heard a phrase that really struck me: " You can't put the tears back in your eyes." Meaning to me, that the love you have felt for this person and the pain and trauma it has caused you, has shaped you. It has made you who you are today. You are not the same person anymore.

I think the name of the song should be "I AM THERE".


I'm in the situation you described right now.

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