Lyric discussion by Aquatarkus 

Love the second part. That is my world view.

Screw technology, go back to how things were meant to be. Hell yeah.

But Dan Deacon's music is entirely based on technology.

I understand what you're saying though.

i don't think hes talking about technology, but actually we are gone, earth starts something new, human era like the dinosaur era is gone....but who really knows.

and i know what you mean, i would love to live a simple life, not this bustling one. where college is my dad teaching me how to grow wheat, brew beer, make bread and hunt deer. :-)

anyways, rediculious song, and i think its crazy deacon actually wrote those lyrics their so good. lol...beautiful

In that last part, I don't think he means "screw technology, let's go back to hunting deer". It seems to me like it's more like something along the lines of what VHEMT (voluntary human extinction mouvement) is trying to say.

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