Lyric discussion by sharontate 

It may just be some rambunctious recount of their romps. But I've always kinda thought this song was a subtly sincere and beautiful one, I feel he wants her to be happy. Truly and honestly, that's all he wants in death. Obviously remembrance comes into the equation:

"Tell them about the time we did it On the beach with fireworks above us On the railroad tracks With the gravel in your back In the back room of a crowded bar And in the very grave yard Where my body now rests"

But "Dress sexy at my funeral, my good wife, for the first time in your life" suggests to me he may know how loyal and graceful she wants to be in his passing, possibly enough to remain in chaste for the rest of her days. He's saying, fuck that, remember me, but move on, he wants her to find another love in her life. Possibly he died young and doesn't care for the idea of this beautiful girl growing old and turning into a spinster.

"Wink at the minister Blow kisses to my grieving brothers"

This is a bit of fun with that idea of moving on, which obviously wouldn't be with the priest or his brothers. A personal joke between he and her.

One of my favorite love songs ever.

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