Lyric discussion by SixStringSoul 

I think everyone's pretty much on the right track. It seems to be about a girl younger than him maybe 18 or 19 who seems to love him because he's older and more experienced in the world. The things he's seen have kinda jaded him though, and he doesn't want to corrupt her. He also starts to explain that he doesn't really love her, and he cant give love because he's taking no love from the relationship. ("I can't give what I can't take"). He does feel unworthy to be with her so he's glad to be able to f**k her. But at the same time he feels it's wrong, he doesn't want to weigh her down. But, he's so in love with the physcial gratification that he knows he won't stop it. So he wishes she would leave,before he drags her down into his jaded world, because he deserves more than that. Like some mentioned there kinda seems to be a glimpse of hope near the end of the song. He knows she sees more of him than he feels he is, perhaps part of him want's to be that ideal she has of him. And maybe he needs her to save him.

All in all great song.

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