Lyric discussion by ManicSensitivity 

This song seems that it can be interpreted in many ways. But I'd like to state my opinion of it from a personal experience.
A couple nights ago I had a friend call me because he was on the brink of committing suicide. This song always reminds me of that night.

(1st verse) Just like in the song, he wasn't thinking straight and dragging the life out of me as we talked and he explained his reasons. It just broke my heart.

(2nd verse) We started talking at two a.m. in the morning and I didn't hang up until six a.m. the same morning. He kept saying how he was at another of our friends houses (where everyone was asleep) and he needed to be at his to go through with it.

(3rd verse) This whole time I was quite tired and I wasn't used to staying up so late as he always did. I couldn't tell him I was tired and instead tried to tell him to go to sleep as well. It didn't work that well and I ended up falling asleep and hanging up the phone first. But before I did all we did was discuss the pros and cons, our past depressions, and what we truly missed.

(4th verse) The whole time we were talking he hit some bumps in the road. He's always had some anger issues and this night he got really upset. I remember hearing him walking back and forth and smashing his hands against walls and the sorts. Of course it scared me because I had never seen him this truly angry. This whole time making fustrated crys and breathing heavy because of all the pressure I was putting against him to change his mind.

(5th verse) Eventually he moved to the kitchen and you could hear things dropping from the counter. Later he told me he was looking for knives. The noise was similar to the crashes in the song. I was rambling the whole time he was smashing.

(6th verse) He wanted so bad to just throw it all away. I was begging and pleading. Somewhere along the way I started crying.

Eventually I had convinced him to stick it out just a few more days. I'm still hoping that he finds something that will truly make him happy. But the last verse is what reminds me of the last half hour of the conversaton. I repeated asked him if he would wait just to reassure myself and we repeated our goodbyes and goodnights over and over.

He hung up and I whispered be safe.

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