Lyric discussion by SeVeNFoLd 

For the few that think Dustin's faith has little to do with the lyrics of Thrice I have this to offer.

05:51 PM on 08/11/09#1114 DustinTHRICE Thrice / Dustin Offline User Info.

Originally Posted by Derka Derka does your faith influence your lyrics and music? or do you try keep your beliefs separate from your music?

I don't even know how that is possible, or if it is, I don't know that it should be pursued in any way. My life is integrated with my beliefs about life. What would be the point otherwise. If I write a song about anything, it is going to be filtered through my worldview. I guess the issue to start with, is that people try to compartmentalize their lives. If you are integrated, you don't have to try to write one thing or not write another, but the things that are most important to you cannot help but show up on every page, whether directly or indirectly.


brava SeVeNFoLd brava

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