Lyric discussion by LizardKingJM71 

I love this song. I'm thinking its about dealing with fame and handling the constant changing public interest. Lisztomania means how popular Franz Liszt was, and how there would be women screaming at his shows, which is pretty impressive, considering he was a classical composer. Thats an interesting scene to imagine. Him on stage in some classical opera house, with women in classical dresses screaming like a 13 year old girl at a Beatles concert.

They are basically using that as there example of the ultimate fame and fan adoration. The chorus is talking about how fame can grow very quickly, and fade very quickly, and you have to know how to deal with both. The verses seem to be about someone gaining fame, then looking back when he loses it and wondering if it could have been different and feeling very sorry for himself.

You have to understand that so-called Classical composers were the "rock stars" of their day so it wasn't surprising that Franz Liszt had a large following.

You couldn't be more wrong.

Artists like Hector Berlioz, Clara Wieck, and Frédéric Chopin ostracized and distanced themselves from Liszt in the 1840s as a result of the public's reaction to him. Franz Liszt changed the way the public perceived musicians, especially pianists, by really putting himself out there. The piano recital is what it is today because he was the first to create programs comprised solely of piano music to be performed by a single artist in a large concert hall as opposed to simply in a salon.

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