Lyric discussion by JoobaKooba 

Stop fucking crying when a band gets popular. If a band really is good, that's what happens. If you actually like the band, quit complaining. They're moving up in the world. If you honestly don't like the way the new stuff sounds, don't listen to it. Stick to the old stuff. If you think that somebody who likes Float On or Good News for People Who Love Bad News at all dont really like Modest Mouse, this is for you: FUCK OFF.

Both are a part of Modest Mouse and saying that they ruined them is trashy. They put it out for a reason. Your shitty tastes dont need to be the standard for anybody who wants to listen to Modest Mouse. This band has the whiniest fan base ever.

ALL IN ALL: if youre going to cry about a band becoming popular, of a band putting a song (or album) out that you dont like, or people you dont like listening to that band, you're better off just not listening to music. And for FUCK'S sake, if you listen to a band because nobody else knows about them, and then say they suck when people do, you are an ass hat.

Couldn't agree more, if somebody is a fan a small band then that band suddenly starts to gain more and more popularity the REAL fans should be happy for them. They're finally getting what they deserve, and the thing is, that band likely wanted that from the start...

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