Lyric discussion by VanNuys666 

Now, i fucking love this song....i like the first verse... because of the drugs....just the drugs. Waking up dead....waking up on a comedown, with no more drugs to take, i swear is the most depressing feeling ever. You feel used and abused.....tossed around and mental. When you do enough of this ' medication'..... you feel absolutely 'insane', your brain just doesn't work, youdon't feel fit for society.

I also like the '....they tried to tell her she would never be...' Because the stress put on young girls theses days is unbelievable and the desire to be 'beautiful' and 'perfect' is a constant bane on most women's life....

and last but not least the word 'Euphoric' is my favourite word.:) It just describes happiness, and the context in which it is used is amazing.... put in the context of drugs (again, i'm sorry!) Just yeah.

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