Lyric discussion by beautifulxrescue 

Cool, first comment. Well, I think the lyrics are pretty self explanatory. This is about a girl/guy who loves someone who has an image to uphold. Hence the line,

'You say you wouldn't let them change your mind'.

The girl/guy is basically begging their significant other to not give into the pressure because their love is obviously something special or rather something worth fighting for. I'm also guessing that this couple's fondest memories together was in the month of December, hence the repetition of,

'Please remember, remember December'

On a speculation note, I think this may be about Joe Jonas. (Yes, I know he is with Camilla Belle), but besides that point I think it would be plausible. Fans have reported observing the two as 'extremely flirtatious' and around the time of December Joe/Demi appeared to be really close. Also, it makes sense because them being together would be difficult. They are both Disney stars and they have an age gap of 3 years, so it would be controversial (kind of like when Miley Cyrus went out with that underwear model). To add to that Joe is trying to be 'more grown up', so perhaps he wrote off their love as just friendship which would explain Demi's tweet that they were 'never gonna happen'.

Maybe I'm just being a fan girl, but that's my two cents.

I definately agree except for the joe jonas part It's definately about alex deleon (lead singer of The Cab) They broke up in early January

It's definitely about Alex Deleon of The Cab, whom she dated in December. They broke up In January. She said in her live chat a couple weeks ago when someone asked about the song that it was about "this persons friends or BAND MATES not wanting us to be together" or something to that effect.

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