Lyric discussion by PikachuPlanet 

There are two people singing. From "I'm laying down eating snow" to "Whispering" Cecilia Nordlund sings. She then sings with Karin from there, on through the repeated chorus.

I'm not too sure exactly what this song is about. I definitely, in no way, think it's about sex. It being written from a deer's perspective, or some other similar animal's, has always been my impression of it. But parts of the song don't exactly add up to just that.. Like her referring to "people like us" and "handclaps". It's almost like it's about a person who dreams of being an animal. Or maybe even a person that was reincarnated as a deer. But I'm sure it goes deeper, and probably much more personal, than that. So perhaps we'll never know.

This song, I think, is without a doubt the most beautiful song Karin has ever released.

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