Lyric discussion by AFXC1 

"THEY don't really care about us"


How clear can Michael get with this song, seriously, listen to the song carefully, it has more of a meaning than what you believe...


This song isn't just about Michael Jackson, it's about how the people are suppressed of their liberties, and the 'leaders' apathy towards the people.

Thank you for trying to explain it. I get too frustrated. People need to really LISTEN more to Michael's music!!

yeah tht's why the original mv got banned in the first place

This song is clearly about how the government (note reference to Roosevelt who he thought was a good guy - NOT) and political leaders don't give a crap about american citizens, unlike MLK.

When he said "jew me" he meant "jew me" - don't engage in mental gymnastics, here. Michael meant what he said. Rappers and rockers have a pass on saying crap about women need to back track there. If Michael had berated women rather than jews, he wouldn't have had to eat crow and apologized all over himself.

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