Lyric discussion by futatorius 

Notice how James is an outlaw but he has no regrets about getting killed in a robbery attempt, and his vision of heaven is biker angels coming to meet him? Along with being a Thompsonian subversion of a traditional ballad form, it's a commentary on how passion and commitment win out over playing it safe.

However, one could argue just who was 'playing it safe'. At times the one who appears more the rebel is just too scared to live the life he sees others live (and secretly wants). Human behavior (why we do what we do) is never cut and dried or black and's usually pretty darn odd:)

Yeah, and he'd probably ask to ride on the Wall of Death one more time.

Mr. UseSomeoneElse, you are seriously projecting here. It's very clear in the song that the narrator does not secretly want to live life like everyone else.

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