Lyric discussion by Ninalapinta 

Pfff...I really liked this song's melody, but then when I focused on the lyrics I was sooo disappointed. He sums up everything I disagree with...lack of self esteem, constant need for other people...he's saying that you need other people to be truly happy...I think it's the opposite. I think you can be truly happy only when you reach happiness by yourself, without anyone or anything. Of course I'm not talking about completely refusing other people, but...we should just keep in mind that we are worth also as the way...good song...for the melody. It's a pity that I really can't relate to it, and it annoys me listening to those words...always the same point of view...when will someone dare to see things from a different perspective?

You might not think so when you've been through something traumatic and you have no one to help you threw it "Once my life was a game So unfair Beat me down and kept me there Unaware of my naysayer Solitaire was all I was Playing." Sounds to me like your in the same boat he was in before he realized it.

I understand what you mean...I believe that true happiness begins within us,we can't rely only in other people and we must value ourselves as individuals. But because humans are social beings, we will ultimately need eachother... So, even if we can achieve some sort of happiness by ourselves, we will always need to express and share that good feelings with other human beings...and that share is the ultimate happiness:) (I hope I didn't sound too cheesy:P)

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