Lyric discussion by hiphopopotamus123 

Quoting Ben...

I was thinking of these kids growing up in the Midwest. A 16 year old boy plays guitar and his girlfriend has to sit and watch him play all day. She just buzzes there and listens like she had nothing better to do. Maybe the girl is also writing songs and she has this idea in her of music that will happen in 20 years time. She really has some good ideas. But she is not saying anything, cause she is supposed to listen to her boyfriend. And he is playing music that was written 20 years ago."

"I remember going to music stores when I was in high school, and there was always some guy playing guitar while his poor girlfriend had to sit on the amp and watch his dumb ass for two hours. And I thought, 'Man, I would never do that to my girlfriend.' And that's the basis of the song. There's probably something wrong with Sara. At the same time, she's seeing some truth. There's no truth coming out of Zak. Sara's a little crazy, but she's having visions of techno music in the future. And she's sitting there inventing techno while Zak's playing 'Dust in the Wind.'"

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