Lyric discussion by aadz 

OK i'm afraid you don't get it.the 1st question is: why use latin (a dead language)? I searched in Roma history but found nothing... the 1st time. So I listen the track again and again... I m a sound engineer and I absolutely sure that the voice in the track is pitch down, and perhaps slow down too. Take the track in cubase or pro-tool (or what u want) reverse the track and speed up(x2) then... OOOooooo the "voice" i' ve heared is in fact voice and a sound. the sound was a clue very pitch down that u can hear it's a pitch. the voice is 2 syllable very clear now: CEASAR (exactly "César" the roman prononciation...) It' s match.let's go back to History:

"Abominatio Nascitur Autumno"

october -45: Ceasar win civil war and came back to Rome, he observe a "triumph" and change politic laws. you can look on web for more details but it' s the beginning of his own death! He take total power but his opposant were now radicals

"hic est tuum temptamen quod temptat tua potentia"

during the end of -45 and the begining of -44 a plot born in Roma including the Julius Ceasar' son (Brutus).

"viginti tres gradus ad summam potestatem"

march 15th -44: Ceasar his killed by 11persons(including his son) 23 STABS killed him (you can check, it' s historic)the last stab was give by Brutus his son. For numerologists 23 is relied to the death,if tou ask why, they reply by historic exemple (about templar knights etc...)they always talk about the death of Ceasar.

P.S:scuse my french,I don't speak good english,sorry...

I don't hear any Latin sentences in this song!!! the only thing I hear is "Ceasar" played backwards and some terrifying sounds!!! I'm wondering where are these sentences???!!!

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