Lyric discussion by ajPrather 

(oops...posted this as a reply, but meant to do so as an original post)

I love this song and believe that it does have religious overtones, and much of it was probably left somewhat elliptical on purpose. Not to act like a 7th grader, but has anyone thought of the possibility that "Locking horns with the stallion" and "Pillar of Davidson feeling [too] hard to go down" might refer to the subject's struggle with sexual urges getting in the way of spirituality, as the subject falls "deeper in love" with the divine, he tries to be honorable "hold my head up" but then feels "cheaper than all the souls he will walk upon" when he cannot successfully conquer his libido...? Maybe I misread it... but I'm loving the discourse! I'm glad I stumbled upon this site.

This is exactly what I've always thought, too. I think there are a lot of things going on in this song but the lines you specifically quote I think refer to religious guilt regarding sexuality. I am not religious now, but I was when I was a huge fan of Live and this song was my favorite for exactly that reason.

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