Lyric discussion by lucider 

He's talking about "plastic people", "plastic music". About the whole American Idol thing.

"I'm looking at you through the glass" = through TV "Don't know how much time has passed" = he's just sitting there, watching this stupid thing for hours and hours

"How much is real? So much to question" = talking about how fake those people are "Never dare make up the mannequins" = how those "plastic people" have been idolised by others, especially youth "just listen to the noises" = noises, becos it's not really music

"Before you tell yourself it's just a different scene, remember it's just different from what you've seen" = I think that talks about how they see something different for once, while they're all used to seeing the same thing on TV, repeated again and again (not sure tho)

"And it's the stars that shine for you" = the "stars", the TV/music stars "And it's the stars that lie to you" = cos all they do is produce "plastic" music, being the wrong people youth looks up to

Apologies for overusing "plastic people/music" again and again, but that's exactly how Corey talks about this (wikipedia).

@lucider You got one line from the song incorrect.

"Never dare make up the mannequins," is actually:

"An epidemic of the mannequins," followed by "Contaminating everything."

If your interpretation simply suits you better, that's fine. But in terms of analysis, it's best to use the lines as the artist intended.

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