Lyric discussion by EuphoricShots 

"The main hook in particular, is ambiguous: "Ça plane pour moi" means "It is gliding for me", which could imply that having his head in the clouds, or possibly being high on drugs, works for him. Other suggestions are "It's all working out for me", "This works for me", "This plan's for me", "Everything's cool/groovy for me" or more loosely, "Things are going great" or even "I'm on cloud nine". The basic theme is a chaotic, drunken sexual encounter with a girl, told in retrospect."

^ Wikipedia.

The link also shows a different translation of the lyrics, but states that it's difficult to be precise. Excellent song.

@EuphoricShots The narrator sniffs glue, as the fourth verse suggests ("et que la colle me manquera" = "until I'm running out of glue").

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