Lyric discussion by abelprisc 

No joke, I can open up just about any Against Me! song in, and it's nothing but an argument about whether the band "sold out".

Look, Most so-called "punks" have no idea what 'selling out' even means. And this has been going on since the 80s. Proof? Any moderately successful band will tell you how much crap they get. EVEN FUGAZI, throughout their band's career, got nothing but absolute nonsense from a good chunk of their fans about how they "sold out". FREAKING FUGAZI, for crying out loud!

Look, when you're in your teens or early 20s, and you're living at your parent's house/college dorms/crappy apartment, it's all fine and dandy to 'make a statement' and not make any money. But for most, people tend to want to go further with their lives. For example, Tom Gable is married now, and has said in interviews that they want to have kids and start a family. Fans forget that this band isn't a hobby for them, it's their career. If you want a family, you're going to want job security, and there's no real telling how long this band's success is going to last. As even said by Against Me themselves, record labels tend to chew bands up and spit them out, and kids' attention spans are so short that bands from just a few years ago are already forgotten. With their obvious talent, there's no reason for them not to make a comfortable living off of the band, while still creating compelling lyrics and great music.

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