Lyric discussion by willowsong 

Every time I hear this song, it triggers some sort of strange emotion- I'm not sure how to describe it. I just feel at peace, sad, content, and reflective all at the same time. I have a story sort of like a few comments above me but somewhat different...

-My family and I were coming back from a trip and we stopped at a rest stop where there is this huge look out into a valley and there are these beautiful mountains towering above you (I believe it is called Sunset Point it's in Arizona) Anyway, my dad was fiddling with the car or something and my mom was letting our dog walk around for a few minutes so I went and sat on a concrete bench next to some old people and looked out at the sunset. It was laden with blazing red, pink and a fading orange...I think about it every time I hear this song.

Agreed Willow to all those emotions you listed for this song. I think for me, melancholy comes closest maybe, but in a good way.

Anyway your little story made me join this site to comment. To me some of my favourite tracks of all time take me back to when I first heard them and to whatever was happening around me at the time. More often than not it won't seem like a significant moment, but somehow the song makes it one and the memory stays with me forever.

It's truly amazing, what music can do.

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