Lyric discussion by frider 

I don't know how Theosepiphanes knows for a fact that this is about coming down off ecstacy, but it obviously means a lot more to the majority of people posting. I really like one or clown's take on it; it's different than what everyone else is saying. But let me add one thing that hasn't quite been emphasized that the song means to me.

Many of us, in our younger years, have developed and held onto certain social and artistic ideals. We are moved by what's not pop culture because it means something beyond just being popular. We form subcultures that are anti-conformist or counter-culture, and which, many times, circulate around music. THEN we grow up.

What I'm saying is that it's more than just growing up and having responsibility. It's growing up AND leaving behind the ideals that formed your identity as a teenager and young adult. Take, for example, the film SLC Punk! Steve-o is a punk, but by the end of the film, he has this very realization and admits he is going to law school. I think this is an important element to this song that hasn't been presented yet.

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