Lyric discussion by braille16 

I know it's just me projecting my own situation onto the song, but when I first heard this song I thought it was so...sad, and hopeless.

About a loss of innocence, sort of. Like a person trying to psych themselves up with gentle language and babytalk and airplane noises, tell themselves they're tough, but knowing it's pointless. The line "Hey, Open Wide - here comes original sin" actually made me think of a girl losing her virginity to someone who she wasn't sure about, or didn't even care about - being faced with the messy act of sex for the first time, willing herself to keep going, saying "It's all right", as though if they say it enough it will be true. The Bridge seems to portray a sense of hopelessness, too - though we strive for the best, humans seem to eventually give in to their more primitive urges, we end up alone.

The end, too - a person saying to themselves again and again, "I'm in control, I don't need help", but knowing it's not true. It explains why Regina says "it's all right" more than any other point, following that line, too - like the desperation and denial are increasing, as the narrator's control lessens.

I don't know. It breaks my heart, though.

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