Lyric discussion by DTFANIAM 

John Petrucci, at least mostly in the past, has written using disguised meanings that allows the listener to put his or her own meaning to the songs he writes. Using this idea of his writing style, I feel that this song is about losing your "zest" for life. Being an avid goal setter my entire life and entering into my mid 40's, I have been creating my world my entire life by living my "reflections on the page" or, in other words, my written down goals. This song can easily be identified with writer's block but, in my case, being the victim of the current economic downturn and losing everything I created in my business, I relate to this song as "starting over" and Petrucci is telling me to "let it out" and get passionate about something again. -- Just my thoughts :)

@DTFANIAM I've gotta tell you man: your comments touched me (also in my mid 40's) and I agree with you that this song is about that very thing of having to start over from near the bottom or reckoning with a life that did not turn out as once planned (and perhaps planned near the top of once achievements, it hurts more).

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