Lyric discussion by coleman 

The lyrics seem to be fairly obvious, at least this is what I thought: There was a relationship, but it ended, one of them (e.g. he) wants it to continue, but the other (e.g. she) doesn't think it will work. He thinks she is hiding from the truth that it will work, or is maybe just not seeing the truth (or at least his view of the truth). He is determined to show her it can work, and feels he can if she would just try. Last 7 lines suggest it ended because he was making it too serious. He loves her, but should of taken things slower because she doesn't seem to of been/be into him as much. And at the end he asks to try again, and tells her how he feels. OK, its only a song, but there's a whole story and I need to know what she said! Considering he screwed it up last time because he was taking things too fast, I don't think telling her he needs her love is going to help. A sad but universal story.

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