Lyric discussion by PearlJammer919 

This is about the struggles of life, the hardship that ensues, and maybe even the American Dream. As a rough definition, the American Dream is one of success in life financially and wholistically overtime. In a sense, it's your ambition to succeed and personal drive that is put into a question. A question of mental and physical endurance that defines who you are, and if you will succeed. The man/woman who wishes to be a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, a politician and has the premature notion to make the world a better place, you might die trying getting to where you want but you can do it.

"To change the world, starts with one step. However small, first step is hardest of all."

-Could be the escape of a negative environment, could be the institution of a program, could just be taking the first class in a pre-medicine regiment, and it could be the first hour of withdrawl from a hard narcotic.

"But once you get your gait, you'll be walkin tall."

-Once you get past the first trial, and succeed, it's going to get easier as time progresses. Keep you gait, keep walking, you will get to the light, but it wont be easy.

"You said you never did."

-Claiming denial, failure, and surrender. You're giving in to the fact that maybe you've tried and failed before.

"You might die trying."

-Get up, try again. If you want it bad enough you will get it, however the trail to destiny is rigid and dangerous. Pack a band-aid, cause you might die trying.

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