Lyric discussion by PsychoSocialsk 

That's just ignorant saying MTV turned punk rock into pop rock... Your giving MTV more credit then it's are due. It's just corporate fat cats and a new generation of kids who were never exposed to decent music(Hint as to why it's called "New generation Punk" like sum 41, blink 182, etc). If you can shout profanities into a microphone and blame "society" or "the system" for all your problems, disregarding the complete vagueness of those words(but remember these kiddos have no idea what it's like to put faces on their problems so that they may confront them, so instead they commit blind acts of violence such as shooting up their schools or kill themselves.) Then you just happen to be a "punk" band, my friends. But hey guys, whats it matter if it's terrible music with a generic message, it's still punk, right? I'm not really even a fan of the word "punk", it is honestly just an insult these days when you look at what it has become. Now it has been reduced to just a fad. I see these ridiculous advertisements such as "Buy awesome punk clothes online" or "Meet awesome punk girls/guys online!" and it is just like what the fuck, really? When are a certain pair of blue jeans considered "punk"? because they have holes in them? yeah, that makes you a real fucking rebel when you buy your clothes to look just like the kid standing infront of you in line at the HOT TOPIC cash register.

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