Lyric discussion by aggiecouple 

I think it is about someone growing older and is struggling with trying to find a reason for living. The Ma Teresa reference is saying even someone like Mother Teresa has no idea what her real purpose in life is (I think he must be Catholic, or was, and Mother Teresa is an icon of a purposeful life for him). The last 2 lines:

You ride the waves and don't ask where they go You swim like lions through the crest And bathe yourself in zebra flesh

My interpretation: People are like lemmings; we just go with the tide. We act like we are the kings of the jungle, like we own life, but in reality, we cover ourselves in something that allows us to fade in with the rest of the crowd (zebra flesh).

very nice analysis... agree on many points.

I always hear the lyric as: "Ma Theresa's joined the mob, unhappy with her full-time job..."

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