Lyric discussion by meowcat 

What about this (one of I'm sure many interpretations):

The narrator is the lipless. He is the one who doesn't want to be friends with her. He is the one that likely broke it off with her (why else would she have an ailing heart? He is cold in this song to her, while she is the one who is "still in love"

Possibly scenario:

The narrator is in a relationship with a woman (not mentioned in the song). He has a friend who is a girl and they either have an affair or a one night stand. He breaks it off, even though he still has feelings for her and the girl is still in love with him, so she moves away to try to get away from her hurt that he wouldn’t leave his wife/girlfriend for her.

He calls to see if she is single, ok, sexless, etc. She's got a lot of problems (sleeves) and it has a lot to do with him because he created the and the hurt inside her. He feels bad that the friendship is ruined and wants to stop talking to her, but feels guilty.

She tells him (and possibly his wife? Maybe they were all friends? Hence the "told US" line) about the new guy he's got and everyone is right on with these lines, so I won't elaborate.

She gets down on herself, her broken heart, and her 'criminal eyes' which refers to the illicitness of the affair.

It's hard for him to have broken it off with her, as well. He doesn't say it's hard for her to leave all the moments behind.

"tested" is used in the PAST tense, referring to her past involvement with him. She (inadvertantly) tested her strength (metal), because she thought she was strong enough, by getting involved with a man in a relationship, and he realizes now she was soft and vulnerable (doe's skin and petals). He was lipless because his lips belonged to another woman. He bled all of the good things out of the girl he was having the affair with.

I think the last 4 lines are directed at her; "don't mess with the bull, you'll get the horns" kind of thing. "don't get involved with things like this, you're too vulnerable, stay away from people who can't kiss you back"

This song is really sad.

I adore it.

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