Lyric discussion by darcerose 

i think its about a high school couple who goes to vegas without their parents permission and get into trouble.. hah. i love this song though. veryy catchy. ive been singing it all day.

"I lost my fake I'd but you lost the motel key" this line makes me think theyre young; cuz katy doesnt need a fake id now.

"And why am I wearing your class ring? Don't call your mother" also class ring - high school and mother; well how many grown men would honestly call their mother when their hungover drunk in vegas? just my opinion

@darcerose Nope, me/her katy perry...she was always on my shit about me NOT putting until i finally broke it too her that I AM WAITING FOR MARRIAGE...this didnt take place in vegas, this all took place in J-vegas jacksonville nc...she married me-her USMC Marine 3 weeks before I went off to my 2nd combat deployment as a heavy machine gunner

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