Lyric discussion by comeonthewell 

I don't think Bruce has ever written a better verse than:

Now, the neighbors come from near and far As we pull up in our brandnew used car I wish he'd just hit the gas and let out a cry Tell `em all they can kiss our asses goodbye.

Sums up the way a 9 or 10 year old kid feels in that situation perfectly. As for the question of where the 'narrator' is sitting - try the lyrics of 'My Hometown' for a clue...

I'm with you on the seating arrangements. This album, as a whole, is one of the greatest collections of modern poetry in any sense of the word. I teach 7th grade, and this has been my day one activity for the last five years. The kids try to figure out the age and sex of the speaker from the clues provided in the song...They try and figure out the setting, problems the speaker might encounter on a daily basis, etc...A brilliant piece of work! There is not a better song writer alive!

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