Lyric discussion by lovesickforever 

"The catcher hits for .318 and catches every day The pitcher puts religion first and rests on holidays He goes into cathedrals and lies prostrate on the floor"

along with what you were saying, Speed_Is_Dreaming: this stanza is fairly obviously about homosexuality, unfortunatly you have to know the slang to understand it. there is the classic pitcher/catcher (dominant/submissive) slang of gay males. "the pitcher puts religion first" is about being ashamed/hiding being gay, and "he goes to cathedrals and lies prostrate on the floor" is also about being ashamed of being gay, but also very cleverly about submission, or hiding being gay... well, if you want to analyze it that far.

I think you are right and I agree with much of what Speed Is Dreaming said, too. This song means many, many things to me. I can't even fathom how difficult it must be for a gay person to stay "in the closet".

I could analyze this song all day, but unfortunately do not have the time. I just love to listen to it.

Perhaps the narrator is making this figurative baseball allusion because he is actually gay, but in love with this girl. But actually gay. Or maybe Miss Private is a man. I really wonder what "limping round on pagan holidays" is supposed to mean....

So wow. I've figured it out [in my mind at least]. The narrator is a man in love with the catcher, Piazza. He's his little secret. And he just wants to elope with him.

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