Lyric discussion by Chase5 

This song is actually beautiful. Looking at these interpretations I wonder what Deana Carter intended for this song to mean. Some people are saying that this is a sad song because it's about the regret of her first love and the loss of innocence. They say that it is just about sex and nothing else, but I would love it more as a love song. It's bittersweet because she misses her innocence, but maybe she does not regret it because she says that she goes back year after year to "remember the taste of strawberry wine." Why would she go back if it was painful? Her first taste of love was a taste of strawberry wine when she was young and naive. Her first taste of love may not have been sex, but love making. There is a difference. "The hot July moon saw everything." It was a romantic night in the country and it was so romantic that they could not resist, nor could their hormones resist (no really), and that is where the loss of her innocence comes in. Sounds silly, but that's my interpretation. She might miss her innocence, but she might not regret it. It's a sad memory in that she lost her innocence and they were seperated, but it's a beautiful memory. Love hurts, but it was still her first love. Love should be experienced by everyone even if it sometimes end in heartache. It's bittersweet just like strawberry wine.

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