Lyric discussion by Violence90 

My take of this gorgeously crafted song is of a flaw that one knowingly has in life, and carries that flaw into certain situations that are deemed a failure due to this inseparable weight carried. I feel like this song can be taken many ways, but what I get from it is of a relationship that was ended too soon due to one person's failure to evade this flaw. The "hurricanes" referred to are the personal flaws in cognizance of the troubled one. The person understands that a predicament is underway if the path to a relationship is followed, but he feels no choice to undergo this same route to save his sanity and sense of self worth. "And now my hurricanes have brought down this ocean rain To bathe me again." The individual is bathed again in grief that was perceptively unavoidable given prior attempts at pursuing relationships.

Being in the sea can be metaphorical for experiencing a relationship once more, and the impending sadness that will result.

"Screaming from beneath the waves" can be the internal acknowledgment of this flaw, in full realization that this error is inescapable despite attempted mental refinement to avert this magnetized problem.

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