Lyric discussion by cremedepois 

Probably one of my favorite lines in this song is:

"He said, 'It's all in your head,' and I said, 'So's everything,' but he didn't get it."

I've read a few interpretations of what this line could mean. I think this guy is accusing her of over-thinking and being overly dramatic about the problems she has. So he claims that it's all in her head and there's no real basis to her thoughts/feelings about the situation. But when she says, "So's everything," she's referring to... well... everything! It's a philisophical interpretation. Everything in the world, technically, is in our heads. That's all we know. We don't have the ability to jump into another person's head and hear what they are thinking at any given moment and look at the world from their perspective (unless of course you're like Wayne Hoffman, but let's not count him right now :). So Fiona saying that the world around us is completely determined by our own perceptions of the world and not someone else's. He doesn't understand her perspective so he tells her that it's all in her head, while she tries to tell him that everything is in her head so what he said doesn't help her at all. It's her turning point of realizing that as bad as she wants to be with him, they are on two completely different pages.

I LOVE Fiona. She laces her lyrics with awesomeness.

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