Lyric discussion by MannyKiller 

The song is pretty clear in meaning. I'm not even Christian ;)

Overall - the song deals with Judgement day - or the end of the world. Also known as "Day of Reckoning" as referred to in the bible.

Therefore - the Reckoner is god. The first line is stating you can't take your life with you - whatever you had is gone, you're "transcending". Your life was about the whims of your programming, your programming to survive - all the emotions, reflexes, fears, tendencies, desires - all of that was your "dance for pleasure". You can't take it with you though.

But "you aren't to blame for that". No, of course not, because you were programmed to be that way. That's what life is. Just as a bacteria form colonies or bees do - humans were to do so inevitably as well. Our experiences were inevitable, as part of the human experience.....the senses, both good and bad, "Bittersweet distractor". With a nameless face - likely what Christians label the devil - but it's not manifested - it's nameless because it's our inner demons that he is referring to here.

We are not to blame for that. This is god's compassion for us and all our flaws...a statement that he understands that there was no way we could know better or do better. And thus he is "dedicated" to all human beings...he is loyal to humanity for the suffering and price it pays - the fear and horror of dealing with death - which is the "separation" from "ripples on a blank shore" meaning it's just so matter of fact, so blunt, without explanation, without closure. It's god's message to us for the pain we live, the mistakes we have made, and the death we suffer.

In rainbow refers to the post-apocalyptic end of life...after the flood, a rainbow appears...this is the biblical symbol of the covenant between man and god - that god will never incur such calamity upon mankind again. Here I believe it refers more as a bridge from one life to another. But the covenant aspect also fits with the dedication theme - a symbol of god's loyalty to mankind.

It is a gift - the revelation - permanent afterlife, that god is offering ("take me with you") as he is dedicated to all human beings (not that the song is dedicated to us, but it might very well be). You can't take your previous existence with you, but you can take god with you to someplace else.

There ya go. Enjoy.

That's got to be the most perfect interpretation of "Reckoner" I ever read. And I don't doubt this is what it means to the artist who wrote it, since it ties in with the official video the band commissioned someone to make, only to decide not to release it. I think where most interpretations of this song (and the entire album) fail is in deciding that the album is meant as a judgment of whatever it is that happens in the album. It is quite the opposite. The album--to me--is about the bittersweet experiences that life is about, and it...

I think you are right in your interpretation. However, I don't feel that the thought, feeling, gist etc. is limited to christianity. The thought of "dedicated to all human beings" is a heavily bhuddist concept. I do appreciate the reference to the old testament rainbow. Leads me to think that after the flood, and we are all gone... it will have been nature's reckoning for what we are doing to the planet right now.

@MannyKiller I know I'm almost 15 years late, but... you can still have the gift of salvation in Christ. Put your faith in Him and He will lead you. Love your meaning you wrote btw!

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