Lyric discussion by holdenn 

The song is hard to take out of the context of the entire album. So it should be considered against the other songs.

"Now she's a little boy in Spain, playing pianos filled with flames"

Pepito Arriola is a metaphor of the reincarnation of Anne Frank.

"And now we ride the circus wheel" Its a circus wheel of life, death, and reincarnation. There are several rings and circles mentioned throughout the song that provide this similar imagery.
The person who committed suicide m.p. fits in with this as well. Just like Anne Frank they ride this circus wheel and are born again.

This is how Jeff Magnum can be in love with Anne Frank, because she is alive somewhere today.

And if i can theorize a little further - Jeff too is the reincarnation of the boy that Anne Frank was in love with in her diary. "Will she remember me 50 years later." - "oh comely"

"Now how I remember you How I would push my fingers through Your mouth to make those muscles move That made your voice so smooth and sweet And now we keep where we don't know All secrets sleep in winter clothesWith one you loved so long ago Now he don't even know his name "

  • In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

He doesn't know his own name, because he's reincarnated as someone else. The old person "won't be coming back again" but they are reincarnated as someone today.

Wow, just an amazing song and an amazing album.

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